PTS-CM system - modular piezotactile stimulator
An improved design PTS. The new stimulator will be modular, so you just buy as many channels as you need. The amplifier will be based on a microcontroller which means it can be smaller and neater, and could be reprogrammed to suit the user's reqirements.
Wireless subject response boxes
A range of wireless button boxes and visual analog scales.
Noise source
A white and pink noise source for auditory masking.
Voice trigger box
A device that will generate a TTL pulse when a person speaks. Could also make a wireless version, depending on the latency of the wireless communication.
Mini Tactamp
Battery operated 2-channel tactor amplifier.
Soundcard signal detector
This is an answer to a problem with using sound cards in time-critical applications, such as evoked potential experiments. Sound cards have a high latency (~40ms) which means there's a delay between a program telling the sound card to generate a sound and the sound starting. The signal detector would generate a TTL pulse on an output when it detects a signal on the sound card output. The TTL pulse can then be used to create a marker on the EEG recording coincident with the sound.
DTMF decoder
Provides a way of encoding digital markers on an audio or video recording using DTMF (touch tone) tones. Audio goes in one side, 4-bit digital markers come out the other.